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Using the web interface

Our graphical web interface is optimized for using SWE-agent as a developer tool, fixing single GitHub issues or working in local repositories. However, it is still missing some of the options of the command line interface.


To start our web UI, simply run


from the root of the repository.

Opening the webpage

If the user interface doesn't automatically open in your browser, please open it at http://localhost:3000. Running from GitHub codespaces? More tips here.

Running from Docker

If you run SWE-agent from the docker-run Docker container, please see here for how to start the web server.

If something doesn't work

Please make sure that your port 8000 and 3000 are unoccupied before running the above script.


lsof -i :8000
lsof -i :3000

to identify other programs serving to that port and kill them, then try again.

If ./ is running, but you see a warning message about the backend not being connected, either run

# this should show some python processes
lsof -i :8000

or head to localhost:8000 (you should see a small dummy page).

It might also make sense to start the backend frontend manually as explained in the next section.

Manually starting frontend and backend

The web UI consists of a frontend written in react (showing the pretty control elements) and a backend written with flask. The ./ starts both of them in the background. However, this might not be best for development and debugging. This section explains how to start both parts separately.

First, let's start the backend:

python sweagent/api/

You should see output similar to the following:

 * Serving Flask app 'server'
 * Debug mode: on
2024-05-23 11:30:45,436 - werkzeug - INFO - WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
2024-05-23 11:30:45,437 - werkzeug - INFO - Press CTRL+C to quit
2024-05-23 11:30:45,437 - werkzeug - INFO -  * Restarting with watchdog (fsevents)
2024-05-23 11:30:46,484 - werkzeug - WARNING -  * Debugger is active!
2024-05-23 11:30:46,492 - werkzeug - INFO -  * Debugger PIN: 123-594-933

Port availability

If see an error about port 8000 not being available, please first close any application that occupies it. The frontend currently expects the flask server on port 8000, so choosing a different port won't work.

Now, open a new terminal tab and navigate to the frontend directory:

cd sweagent/frontend

First, let's install the react dependencies:

npm install

And start the server:

npm start

This should also open the corresponding page in your browser. If not, check with the tips above. The default port that is being served is port 3000.

Possible errors

If you see errors

Proxy error: Could not proxy request / from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:8000.
See for more information (ECONNREFUSED).

something went wrong with the backend part.