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SWE-agent command line interface

All functionality of SWE-agent is available via the command line interface via the sweagent command.

You can run sweagent --help to see all subcommands.

Here's a quick overview:

  • sweagent run: Run SWE-agent on a single issue (tutorial).
  • sweagent run-batch: Run SWE-agent on a batch of issues (tutorial).
  • sweagent run-replay: Replay a trajectory file or a demo file. This means that you take all actions from the trajectory and execute them again in the environment. Useful for debugging your tools or for building new demonstrations.
  • sweagent inspect or sweagent i: Open the command line inspector (more information).
  • sweagent inspector or sweagent I: Open the web-based inspector (more information).
  • sweagent merge-preds: Merge multiple prediction files into a single file.
  • sweagent traj-to-demo: Convert a trajectory file to an easy to edit demo file (more information on demonstrations).