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History processor configuration

History processors can filter the history/trajectory to query the model. For example, a very simple history processor would be one that strips away old observations to reduce context when querying the model.

sweagent.agent.history_processors.DefaultHistoryProcessor pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel


  • extra: 'forbid'


  • type (Literal['default'])

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['default'] = 'default'

Do not change. Used for (de)serialization.

sweagent.agent.history_processors.LastNObservations pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel

Keep the last n observations or remove tagged observations.


  • extra: 'forbid'



always_keep_output_for_tags pydantic-field

always_keep_output_for_tags: set[str] = {'keep_output'}

Any observation with a tags field containing one of these strings will be kept, even if it is not one of the last n observations.

always_remove_output_for_tags pydantic-field

always_remove_output_for_tags: set[str] = {'remove_output'}

Any observation with a tags field containing one of these strings will be elided, even if it is one of the last n observations.

n pydantic-field

n: int

Number of observations to keep.

polling pydantic-field

polling: int = 1

How many steps to keep between updating the number of observations to keep. This is useful for caching, as we want to remove more and more messages, but every time we change the history, we need to cache everything again. Effectively, we will now keep between n and n+polling observations.

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['last_n_observations'] = 'last_n_observations'

Do not change. Used for (de)serialization.

validate_n pydantic-validator

validate_n(n: int) -> int
Source code in sweagent/agent/
def validate_n(cls, n: int) -> int:
    if n <= 0:
        msg = "n must be a positive integer"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return n

sweagent.agent.history_processors.TagToolCallObservations pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel

Adds tags to history items for specific tool calls.


  • extra: 'forbid'


function_names pydantic-field

function_names: set[str]

Only consider observations made by tools with these names.

tags pydantic-field

tags: set[str] = {'keep_output'}

Add the following tag to all observations matching the search criteria.

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['tag_tool_call_observations'] = 'tag_tool_call_observations'

Do not change. Used for (de)serialization.

sweagent.agent.history_processors.CacheControlHistoryProcessor pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel

This history processor adds manual cache control marks to the history. Use this when running with anthropic claude.


  • extra: 'forbid'


last_n_messages pydantic-field

last_n_messages: int = 2

Add cache control to the last n user messages (and clear it for anything else). In most cases this should be set to 2 (caching for multi-turn conversations). When resampling and running concurrent instances, you want to set it to 1. If set to <= 0, any set cache control will be removed from all messages.

last_n_messages_offset pydantic-field

last_n_messages_offset: int = 0

E.g., set to 1 to start cache control after the second to last user message. This can be useful in rare cases, when you want to modify the last message after we've got the completion and you want to avoid cache mismatch.

tagged_roles pydantic-field

tagged_roles: list[str] = ['user', 'tool']

Only add cache control to messages with these roles.

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['cache_control'] = 'cache_control'

Do not change. Used for (de)serialization.

sweagent.agent.history_processors.RemoveRegex pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel

This history processor can remove arbitrary content from history items


  • extra: 'forbid'


keep_last pydantic-field

keep_last: int = 0

Keep the last n history items unchanged

remove pydantic-field

remove: list[str] = ['<diff>.*</diff>']

Regex patterns to remove from history items

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['remove_regex'] = 'remove_regex'

Do not change. Used for (de)serialization.