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Action parsers

Our parsers parse output from the LM into thoughts and actions.

For example, our most basic parser is the ThoughtActionParser. It expects the model response to be a discussion followed by a command wrapped in backticks like so:

Let's look at the files in the current directory.

ls -l

To use a specific parser, set the parse_function key in your tool config to the type field of the parser.

            type: "thought_action"

Or from the command line:


Bases: ABC

Abstract class for parsing functions. We use get to generate the right parser based on the name of the parser.

error_message instance-attribute

error_message: str

format_error_template property


ActionOnlyParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a single command.


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str = 'No message found in model response.'

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['action_only'] = 'action_only'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

ActionParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a single command. Example: "ls -l"


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str = '    The command you provided was not recognized. Please specify one of the commands (+ any necessary arguments) from the following list in your response. Do not include any other text.\n\n    COMMANDS:\n    {command_docs}\n    '

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['action'] = 'action'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

EditFormat pydantic-model

Bases: ThoughtActionParser, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a discussion followed by a command wrapped in backticks. Example: We'll replace the contents of the current window with the following:

import os


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['edit_format'] = 'edit_format'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

FunctionCallingParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a LiteLLM tool call.


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['function_calling'] = 'function_calling'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

Identity pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

This parser does not do any parsing. It just returns the model response as both the thought and action.


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str = '    It seems like something went wrong with your output. Please try again.\n    '

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['identity'] = 'identity'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

JsonParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a JSON object.


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['json'] = 'json'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

ThoughtActionParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a discussion followed by a command wrapped in backticks. Example: Let's look at the files in the current directory.

ls -l


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['thought_action'] = 'thought_action'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.

XMLThoughtActionParser pydantic-model

Bases: AbstractParseFunction, BaseModel

Expects the model response to be a discussion followed by a command wrapped in XML tags. Example: Let's look at the files in the current directory. ls -l


error_message pydantic-field

error_message: str

type pydantic-field

type: Literal['xml_thought_action'] = 'xml_thought_action'

Type for (de)serialization. Do not change.