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Environment configuration

This page documents the configuration objects used to specify the behavior of the environment. To learn about the environment class itself, see the environment class reference page.

sweagent.environment.swe_env.EnvironmentConfig pydantic-model

Bases: BaseModel

Configure data sources and setup instructions for the environment in which we solve the tasks.


  • extra: 'forbid'


deployment pydantic-field

deployment: DeploymentConfig

Deployment options.

name pydantic-field

name: str = 'main'

post_startup_command_timeout pydantic-field

post_startup_command_timeout: int = 500

Timeout for the post-startup commands. NOTE: The timeout applies to every command in post_startup_commands separately.

post_startup_commands pydantic-field

post_startup_commands: list[str] = []

Execute these commands before starting to run the agent but after all other setup steps. They will be executed in the same shell as the agent. Note: Every command is passed as a string, not a list of arguments.

repo pydantic-field

repo: RepoConfig | None = None

Repository options.